At the end of my stay with Janeck at the Glamping, I was thinking of moving North. My oldest daughter is getting
her bachelor degree at the first half of July. But the weather had been quite bad for the last 4 weeks, so I decided
to go South, trying to find a camping site near Perpignan.
After a few days my daughter called me and said that she will get her degree at the end of August. So the decision to
go South was correct. I'm here for almost a week now, and wrote some software for a customer. Walked to the sea and try to write
this blog. Not sure what the next step will be.
At least the weather is nice here. It's around 24 degrees, mostly sunny and windy. The other guests at the camping are mostly
retired people, so this is a nice opportunity to see if this would be a life style which suits me in 10 years when it is time
for me to retire.