Originally I wanted to start my journey right after the last module of my training.
But my camper was not finished on time and I had too much stuff I couldn't take with me. The night before I planned to leave for the last module, it finally
became clear to me that I wouldn't make it. I postponed the start by about two weeks to May first.
In these two weeks, I took the time to do some more preparation on my van like putting some water tanks underneath it and creating more storage space.
The last day again I noticed I didn't have enough time. About two hours before I needed to hand in the keys of my home, I asked some people for help. About 10
people showed up and helped me to get everything sorted out. The stuff I couldn't take with me was separated from the stuff that was going into the camper.
A lot of stuff was brought to the garbage dump. And then I finally could leave. Sort of...
I drove about 100 km to visit my oldest daughter for a cup of tea and to dump some stuff there and then drove to a camping site nearby. Realizing my camper was
still not as comfortable as I wanted it to be, I called one of my best friends to check whether I could work on my camper at his place the next day.
At the end of that day I stayed there for the night, because I still was not done (or should I say satisfied?). So we worked on the camper for another day. And I
stayed another night.
While working at the camper, I found a box with some pictures, messages and financial support for my journey. It was put there by the group that helped me clean
out my place the last day I was there. It feels so good to know I have this beautiful group of people that are there for me whenever I need them. Love you all!
On Saturday morning (May 4th) I really left. To another very dear friend in Germany (finally crossing the border), where we
talked a lot, had a long walk and dinner. Then I drove some more, and parked the camper for the night.
The next day I met another very good friend in Freiburg, as she was coming back from Switzerland with her daughters. We had a drink and I continued for
Lichtenstein, crossing two more borders. So nice to have met some very good friends while starting my journey.
It really made it very smooth. I finally had the feeling my journey had started.