The first person I'm visiting lives in Austria, near the city of Graz. She lives in a small house with a big garden.
All the houses around there are spread out over the area. It's a very quiet place with a lot of nature and farm land.
In the second picture, her house is located behind the big white house in the middle, it's not visible here.
It's very nice to be here. We talk a lot, about very personal things. She is also deeply interested in personal development
and awareness. It's very interesting to share about what we have done in this area. There is a lot of new stuff to learn.
I was also invited to go with her to the birthday of a good friend of hers. I met some very nice people. I really feel very
welcome here.
She also uses a lot of plants from her garden to prepare the food she makes. We have been eating nettle soup and dandelion for salad.
The dandelions are a bit bitter when the leaves are larger, apart from that it's quite tasteful. The deer that visit her garden regularly
seem to agree about the good food you can find in the garden.