This blog is about my journey. During the summer of 2023, I felt that the next step I had to make in my live was to go on a longer journey around Europe (at least for starters) and quit my job and home.
In the beginning it was a scary idea, to let go of everything. Taking my time to prepare for this adventure, it slowly became less scary. Even up to a point that the idea of not following this feeling became more scary then the idea of going out there.
I've been talking a lot about this with good friends and close family. I'm very grateful for the all the support I got from them. Maybe most important were the great questions I got, which allowed me to feel what I needed to do.
Like when I was thinking about what to do with the place I lived in, and then my best friend asked me "What happens if you let go of that?". It made me realize I did need to let go of it, as otherwise there would be a connection keeping me back to the area I lived in all my live.
So, here I am now, 11 days after I started the journey in my camper van. Everything I own is in that van, except for some art, an old motorcycle and some stuff I had to leave behind, because it didn't fit in the van. Not sure what that last stuff all includes, I guess I find out if I return. If, not when, because I don't know where my journey will end.